Saturday, October 2, 2010

Cozy, Furry Socks

It's nice that my a/c works now.  It's also nice that I don't have to worry about my daughter getting a heat rash while sleeping in her crib.  It's pretty much worth that I'm wearing a sweater, jeans, and socks - just to stay warm.  They're cozy, furry socks - so it's all good!

The a/c is being finicky though.  It was working last night, then we left for almost the entire day just to get out of this apartment.  When we got back, it wasn't working.  I went to the maintenance man's apartment again and talked to his wife.  She said she'd let him know.  Then, half an hour later - the a/c decided to work.  Once I got cold enough to wear a sweater, I wrote a note to the maintenance man's wife (thanking her and letting her know that it works) and taped it to her door.  I didn't want to bother her again.

I'm freezing, but my kiddo is comfortable in her crib.  That's all that matters. :-)

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