Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Girl Can Dream

Yesterday, I emailed the owner of this apartment complex.  I basically complained about the apartment manager.  He's never available - even during the "office hours".  I told the owner that I'm happy with the maintenance man, but not with the apartment manager.

I received two emails this morning.  One was before the owner had read another email of mine telling him that my air conditioner had finally been fixed.  The owner said, "I'll tell maintenance to fix your a/c."  The next email from him asked me if I would be around (at my apartment) this coming Wednesday - and also a request for my cell phone number to be emailed in return.

I highly doubt that my little hope is true.  Maybe my email to the owner that explained what a crumby manager he has convinced him that he needs a new one.  Maybe he sees that I'm not an idiot (at least through my grammar and spelling).  Even if I do mess up sometimes (especially with punctuation), I'm not an idiot in that regard.

The owner is trying to clean up these apartments because they're so close to the university, here.  He could have college students galore if he got rid of the trash that's living here.  He's already started some renovations and evictions.

Any way.  My point is:  A Girl Can Dream.  Maybe he's going to ask me to re-continue make-ready apartment cleaning (which I was doing for him before I became pregnant) or maybe he's going to ask me to be the new manager since his current one sucks.  Or maybe he's just going to have me sign my new lease.  Or maybe he's sick of me complaining about the manager and he's going to give me a 30 day notice to get my butt out.  I doubt it's the latter.  I'm one of his more well-behaved tenants and I have a 4 month old baby.

A Girl Can Dream. 


  1. Oooooh, let's hope he wants to make you his new manager. That would be awesome since managers rent is usually FREE! Let's keep our fingers crossed, click our heels together and pray to buddha!!! :D

  2. Okay! LOL! There's about 30% of me that still hopes this. The other 70% thinks I'm a weirdo for thinking it could ever happen. Seriously, I'd make a good manager. I'm very conscientious. :)
