Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Practically Upside Down!

It's 3AM. I'm going to need to heat up my coffee, I think.  I'm just not ready or willing to stop studying yet.  Moms sacrifice for their children.  I've not sacrificed very much, in my opinion - so sacrificing some sleep is okay with me.

I clicked my way to this blog - - and I am going to steal her idea of listing some things for my daughter to know about her baby-personality.  :)

Dear Daughter,
You are 4 months, 1 week, and 1 day old.
Here are some things that you're doing, not doing, refuse to do, and demand to have done:

~  You have the cutest dimple on your right cheek which is hard to miss when you smile your beautiful smile -
~  You like to suck on the index and middle finger of your right hand -
~  You do not like to be held in the cradle position unless you're being fed -
~  You like to sleep on your right side while refusing to ever sleep on your back -
~  You cannot stand to have a cover/blanket over your legs and/or feet, ever -
~  You stiffen your legs all the way out while I try to change your diaper -
~  You bounce your left leg up and down when you're excited while sitting in your bouncer -
~  You have a mildly shocked expression every time I lower you into your lukewarm bath water -
~  You have just started to raise your upper body up with your arms while in a crawling position -
~  You scream.  You seem to enjoy exercising your vocal chords -
~  You love your stuffed frog.  You also like your squeaky stuffed birds. You chew on them often -
~  You are beginning to stare at my food.  You smile every time I take a bite -
~  You stare at your latest dirty/wet diaper as I roll it up and put it in the Diaper Genie. You seem proud -
~  You love to stretch out on my lap after you've eaten.  You practically hang upside down! -
I love you, my beautiful-sweet-smart-curious daughter!

Back to studying!


  1. Gorgeous! We're at 5 months tomorrow, and doing lots of the same stuff. Good idea. :)

  2. Before I had my daughter, I didn't know very much about babies. In my opinion, she's a little advanced for her 4 month and 1 week age, but that might just be me - Mommy - talking. :)

  3. We are at 4.5 months. Awesome idea. I should do this too one of these days. And yes, it does sound like your daughter is pretty advanced. :)

  4. Thank you :) I like to think I birthed an intelligent child! She's the cutest kid I know!
